Muzo Aka AlphonsoFt. Macky 2 & Izrael – Why Mp3 Download
Zambian top notch music legendary singer, songwriter, rapper and record producer – Macky 2, who is now known as The Retired General, and the current founder and C.E.O of Alpha Entertainments Music and Kopala Swag Music, he is currently affiliated to Kalandanya Music Promotions. He has finalized his Ten – Track project which consists of upcoming artists from all the Ten provinces of Zambia. It consists of a totality Ten (10) songs and has features of various music artists such Nexus Music Entertainments signed top notch male vocalist – Neo, M Beats Generation Music signed hardcore rapper – Muzo Aka Alphonso, Nexus Music Entertainments Ltd. affiliated female songstress – Wezi, Zambian music legend – Izrael, M Beats Generation Music newly signed music artist – KD Giza, World Wide Music/Super Government affiliated rapper – Slick Bwoy, Cox “The Rap Daddy”, Blake, Happy K, Mr Crown, Broken Hill Emmy, Born Vicious, Snow C, Mumble Jumble, Y Coast, Knack Unity, Starjon, HDMG, Frisky MC and Siimpo. Here is track number Five (5) from Northern Province which is titled “Why” and it features M Beats Generation Music signed hardcore rapper – Muzo Aka Alphonso as well as Zambian music legend – Izrael.
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Macky 2 Ft. Muzo Aka Alphonso & Izrael – Why Mp3 Download
Download Macky 2 Ft. Muzo Aka Alphonso & Izrael – Why Mp3
Macky 2 Ft. Izrael – Why Mp3 Download
Macky 2 Ft. Muzo Aka Alphonso & Izrael Mp3 Download
Macky 2 Ft. Muzo Aka Alphonso & Izrael – Lyrical Audio Mp4 Download